1. Start here
    1. Welcome
    2. Specifications
    3. General background info about SW/HW
    4. Assemble the HW
    5. Install SW
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      2. Funded: Crowd Supply PC 2
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Install firmware

Assuming that you have GnuBee PC1 without any upgraded firmware nor installed linux distribution you have two choices using the built-in webserver or using a USB-stick.

The GnuBee PC 1 has a 32MB soldered on Flash-chip. It contains 6 parts. Their names (u-boot, u-boot-env, factory,firmware,kernel,rootfs,rootfs_data) should be self-explanatory.

Upgrading the firmware as documented here, will replace the content of the firmware,kernel,rootfs and rootfs_data.

All the firmware discussed here, have the following common characteristics:

Via built-in webserver

Is documented under built-in webserver

Via USB-Stick

Download a firmware (Check whether there are newer files present). Depending on what you want to achieve you choose:

Choose the desired firmware

  1. Debian
    https://github.com/gnubee-git/gnubee-git.github.io/raw/master/debian/librecmc-ramips-mt7621-gb-pc1-squashfs-sysupgrade_2017-07-22.bin (around 17 MB)
  2. LEDE
    https://github.com/gnubee-git/GnuBee_Docs/raw/master/GB-PC1/firmware/LEDE/GnuBee/GnuBee-lede-17.01-full-0915.bin (around 29MB)
  3. libreCMC
    https://github.com/gnubee-git/GnuBee_Docs/raw/master/GB-PC1/firmware/libreCMC/GnuBee/GnuBee-librecmc-sysupgrade-full-0911.bin (around 10 MB)

Copy firmware to USB-Stick (MS-DOS format)

Use a USB-stick with a MSDOS partition table and a vfat or fat partition. Copy the downloaded file and rename it to gnubee.bin. Unmount the USB-stick.

Flash the firmware

Place your USB-stick into any of the 3 USB connectors. Reboot the GnuBee via a SW command or by pressing twice the red power on/off button.

While loading the new firmware the LEDs will give an indication or reading/writing. Lower LED fast blink = read, slow blink = write, solid = done. (This may take several minutes.) When the upper LED changes from off to on solid it’s time to remove the USB Stick and reboot into the new firmware.