1. Start here
    1. Welcome
    2. Specifications
    3. General background info about SW/HW
    4. Assemble the HW
    5. Install SW
    1. Campaigns
      1. Funded: Crowd Supply PC 1
      2. Funded: Crowd Supply PC 2
    2. Use it
      1. Success stories
      2. Get support
    3. Sponsoring
      1. Become a sponsor
    4. Contribute
      1. Build Firmware
      2. contributing code
      3. images .. documentation


GnuBee can run various Linux distribution. For the startup it relies on


The Debian installation is documented here as several points have to be considered. You should be familiar with Debian or be familiar using linux system commands on the command line


The OpenMediaVault installation is documented here as several points have to be considered. You should be familiar with Debian or be familiar using linux system commands on the command line


Looking for somebody to document the solution or till I have time to do it myself.

Firmware update

This can be achieved via the USB-2-UART cable and some console commands or the built-in webserver


Unless you want hack U-Boot, there is no reason to upgrade it. In this case you should also have the know-how on how to upgrade U-Boot


GnuBee PC 1 can be reset to a failsafe state.

Missing documentation is: