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Install Debian


The Debian installation is documented here as several points have to be considered. You should be familiar with Debian or be familiar using linux system commands on the command line.

download and install the firmware supporting Debian

Download https://github.com/gnubee-git/gnubee-git.github.io/raw/master/debian/openwrt-ramips-mt7621-gb-pc1-squashfs-sysupgrade_2017-03-01.bin (offical Kernel 3.10.14 from Soc vendor, support install to SD card)


https://github.com/gnubee-git/gnubee-git.github.io/raw/master/debian/librecmc-ramips-mt7621-gb-pc1-squashfs-sysupgrade_2017-11-28.bin (Kernel 4.4.87-gnu, with patches from Linux community, do not support install to SD card, because SD driver only work as a module)

Note: The firmware named “librecmc-ramips-mt7621-gb-pc1-squashfs-sysupgrade_2017-07-22.bin” has a bug with the network setup and is therefore NOT recommended! Details

Sha256sums: c2794439b241bd0f71ccfd84f337662b44e3d2b6b6a30593d2d03d8b4136ad openwrt-ramips-mt7621-gb-pc1-squashfs-sysupgrade_2017-03-01.bin e2fe4cd4f70dc04372d5a7dcf1443d6895cd3e797a65c1d9ec889d79db181493 librecmc-ramips-mt7621-gb-pc1-squashfs-sysupgrade_2017-11-28.bin

Upgrade your firmware using the downloaded file

The exact procedure is explained here

Reboot by entering the command reboot.

Access the newly installed kernel via SSH or the USB-2-UART

You can either activate the SSH access via built-in webserver on on eth0.1 (bridge-lan), connect the second Ethernet (eth0.2) to a switch and obtain an automatic address in your existing LAN, or use or via USB-2-UART, as explained in USB_to_UART

If you want to install Debian on a hard disk yo must format (at least) one partitions with the ext4 file system. Think a while on which partition scheme you want to use.

You can use fdisk paritioning tool or partition the HD on another system. For my 1 TB hard disk I decide to create the following partitions using a GPT partition table:

/dev/sda1 1 GB ext4 named boot
/dev/sda2 10 GB ext4 named data
/dev/sda3 rest ext4 named data

Afterward run in the shell run the following commands

 wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gnubee-git/GnuBee_Docs/master/GB-PCx/scripts/jessie_3.10.14/debian-jessie-install
 sh debian-jessie-install

You will be asked where (what device) to install debian on. In my case I used /dev/sda2. You find the complete log here.

Once if finishes type reboot and the new debian system should come up. You find the boot log here.

If you want to access the new Debian system via ssh, you must connect now the blue RJ-45 to your network and consult your DHCP server to see, which IP-address was assigned to it. In my case it was and running ssh root@192.168.073 got me to the login.

Once Debian is up you may log in as user root with the password GnuBee. You should change it.

Install kernel modules

You must install more kernel modules running the following commands

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gnubee-git/gnubee-git.github.io/master/debian/debian-modules-install
sh debian-modules-install

Install more packages

Now you are ready to install more packages. There are quite a few I cannot live without, there I ran

apt-get update
apt-get install vim-nox etckeeper htop iotop parted smartmontools